Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Fast and Naturally

Cranberries are one of the many great ways to cure a yeast infection.
Cranberries are one of the many great ways to cure a yeast infection. | Source

Yeast Infections at a Glance

  • Women typically get yeast infections more than men and the most common is vaginal yeast infection.
  • Typical symptoms are; itching, redness, swelling, inflammation, thick whitish discharge, pain when urinating and painful / uncomfortable intercourse.
  • Yeast infections are caused by the overgrowth of the candida albicans yeast fungus naturally found in our bodies. This occurs when the body's friendly v bad bacteria environment is out of balance.
  • The underlying issues that can trigger this imbalance are things such as; good bacteria depletion, high blood sugar, lowered immune system, certain drugs, and hormonal imbalances.
  • Mainstream drugs generally address the symptoms and not the root causes so that unless these underlying issues are addressed the infection can return.
  • More women are turning to natural ways to get rid of their yeast infections. These include things like diet, lifestyle, probiotics, and other home remedies described here.

Getting Rid of Your Yeast Infection

Here, you'll discover 10 simple and very effective yeast infection home remedies that many folks have used successfully to eliminate their infections. However in order to fully appreciate how these simple home remedies can help to eliminate naturally, you first need to understand a bit more about this nasty infection.
So, before getting into the details of how to get rid of a yeast infection fast and naturally at home, let's briefly go through:
  • Symptoms to look out for
  • Why it's so important to get a proper diagnosis
  • The cause of the actual yeast infection
  • Underlying issues that trigger infections (very important)
  • Mainstream treatment and its shortcomings.


pain during intercourse
thick white discharge
pain when urinating
Infections most often naturally occur in females in/around the vaginal area. The above are some of the most common symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection. As you can see, these types of symptoms could be signs of other issues. Perhaps some even more p


A yeast-like fungus called Candida albicans actually causes yeast infections. This is a naturally occurring fungus found in the human body, mainly in the gut, but also in warm, moist locations such as the vagina, anus, mouth, under skin folds, and so on.
You normally don't have to worry about the Candida fungi because they are usually kept from overgrowing into an actual infection by the millions of friendly bacteria in your body. However if this environmental balance of good bacteria versus bad bacteria is upset in any way, then the Candida can overgrow and proliferate throughout your body causing yeast infection, sometimes called 'candida,' 'candidiasis,' or 'thrush.'

The Underlying Causes

Anything that helps to upset this environmental balance and/or that feeds the Candida albicans can be recognised as an underlying cause of yeast infection. Here are just some of the most important ones:
  • High blood sugar levels, because the yeast feeds on sugar.
  • Beneficial bacteria depletion—antibiotics kill the good guys as well as the bad guys.
  • Immune system breakdown, through a number of factors including illness and stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance through pregnancy, menstruation, or menopause.
  • Drug therapy affecting the above. This includes antibiotics, steroids, the pill, HRT, and immuno-suppressive drugs.
You can see now how important it is to address these root causes if you are to have any chance of banishing your infection for good.

Mainstream Treatment for Yeast Infections

Naturally, the first solution for most women with yeast infection is in the form of over-the-counter anti-fungal medicines. These are usually in the form of things like creams, sprays, tablets, and so on, depending on where the infection is. Some typical brands include:
  • Monistat
  • Mycelex
  • Lotrimin
  • Terazol
  • Micatin
While these medicines can clear the symptoms for many women in the quoted timeframes, there are one or two drawbacks:
  1. They do have some negative side effects—they tend to focus on the infection symptoms rather than the underlying cause(s), and the candida fungus can build up a resistance to the drugs over time. This means that many women can suffer from recurring infections.
  2. Also there's the ongoing cost, of course.
This is why there is an increasing interest in getting rid of yeast infections naturally by using home remedies. Read on to learn what these are.
Note: It is estimated that as many as 66% of women who buy and use over-the-counter drugs to eliminate yeast infection actually don't have candida, rather they have some other problem that these medicines are not meant to treat.
This is why I said at the start that you need to get a professional diagnosis before you begin using OTC medications.

Top 10 Ways to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection at Home

More and more women (and men) are utilising natural home remedies. Not only are there home remedies to eliminate the symptoms of candida but there are also natural ways to address the underlying issues that trigger the fungal overgrowth. Below are the top ten ways to get rid of your yeast infection fast and naturally.

1. Eat Cranberries

Cranberries are great for fighting yeast infections. The flavonoids in cranberries help to strengthen your immune system. In turn, this helps to fight the bad bacteria more effectively. This includes cranberries in any form, including fresh, frozen, dried cranberries, or in juice-form.

2. Reduce Your Stress Levels

Reducing your stress levels is very important in curing your yeast infection. Stress can lower your immune system, thus allowing the candida to overgrow. To do that, make sure you do all that you can to reduce the stress in your life including: exercising, eating a proper diet (see below) rescheduling your activities if they are too much, getting proper sleep, taking proper time out for relaxation, meditating, and so forth.

3. Change Your Diet

Change to a diet that avoids foods and ingredients that cause candida fungi to overgrow. This means avidly checking food labels and avoiding or seriously reducing the following:
  • Sugar in all its forms, especially candies, soda, chocolates, and even vegetables like baked beans. This includes anything that contains fructose.
  • Artificial sweeteners.
  • Refined carbohydrates, because they breakdown into sugar.
  • Products containing yeast.
  • Dairy products—they often contain hormones and antibiotics.
  • Processed foods.
  • Foods containing preservatives, flavorings, or artificial colors.
  • Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Stimulants like coffee, energy drinks, cigarettes, and so forth.
Note: In terms of meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables you should make a real effort to eat only organic, since modern farming methods tend to treat with antibiotics, hormones and pesticides.

4. Take Probiotics for a Yeast Infection

Probiotics are a great way to help replenish the beneficial bacteria in your gut. They are available in the pharmacy or at the local health food store and contain live friendly bacteria. You can normally get them in tablet, capsule, powder, and liquid forms—it is always best to get the best quality ones. Don't sacrifice price for quality when it comes to your health!

5. Consider Yogurt as a Probiotic

Natural yogurt is a well-known source of live cultures. However it must be free from sugar, coloring, fruit of any kind, and any other additives. Always check that the label says that it contains live active cultures. The beneficial bacteria that is especially good for yeast is lactobacillus acidophilus found in true natural yogurt.
One of the best ways to ensure you get the very best is to make it yourself. You can easily Google this or purchase a natural yogurt making kit online through Amazon at a very reasonable price.
Interestingly, as well as rebalancing your gut flora, you can apply the yogurt directly over the site of the infection. You can apply it inside, as well—simply coat a regular tampon and insert overnight.

6. Use Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infections

Tea tree oil has some very powerful anti-fungal properties. You can purchase tea tree oil at the local pharmacy and at certain health stores. However don't use it if you are pregnant, and also don't apply to areas where the skin is broken.

7. Use Garlic

Raw garlic has natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • It can be eaten to help kill the fungus in your gut.
  • It can also be applied topically—peeled and crushed into a paste and applied over the area affected.
  • It can also be inserted overnight in the vagina to help kill-off the candida there. Just wrap some muslin around a peeled garlic clove and tie securely with dental floss. Leave a tail of dental floss for easy removal.

8. Consider Herbal Home Remedies for Yeast Infections

There are very many herbs that contain excellent natural properties to help you get rid of the symptoms, as well as in preventing further infections. Here's a small sample:
  • turmeric
  • cinnamon
  • pau d'arco
  • goldenseal
  • chamomile
  • black walnut
  • myrrh
Get these and more at your herbalist or local health food store.

9. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

An apple cider remedy discourages candida growth by helping to rebalance your body pH. It must be raw apple cider vinegar that hasn't been distilled or pasteurized. You should be able to get this at health food stores.
  • To take internally, just add 2-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a large glass of water and take 2-3 times per day.
  • To take externally, just put half a cup into a shallow warm bath and bathe for around 20 minutes, gently lapping the water against the affected part.

10. Use Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection

Virgin coconut oil is high in caprylic and lauric acid, thus giving it very powerful anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties. This is ideal for combating yeast infection. Coconut oil can be used in your diet and especially to cook with.
Note: Make sure you don't use the hydrogenated type, and only use virgin coconut oil.

Additional Tips on How to Prevent Yeast Infections

As a bonus, alongside the top ten, here are some more things to consider in preventing yeast infections. These are founded on the principle that candida just loves warm, moist, humid conditions and an alkaline environment:
  • Avoid wearing tight jeans, pants, and panties.
  • In turn, wear loser-fitting jeans and pants that allow your parts to breathe.
  • Wear cotton panties that also let the area breathe.
  • Maintain a clean and dry genital area at all times by washing with warm water and soap daily.
  • Change out of damp sweaty swimwear or gym-wear as soon as you possibly can.
  • Stop using scented feminine sprays, soaps, gels, douches, pads, tampons, and so forth. These can both irritate the fragile membranes and upset the pH (alkaline/acidic) balance.
Don't ignore these things as they form an important part of your overall approach to get rid of your yeast infection at home and prevent future occurrences.

Sunburn Can Be Painful and May Lead to Skin Cancer

Sunburn Can Be Painful and May Lead to Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Current estimates are that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. It is estimated that nearly 9,500 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. Melanoma rates in the United States doubled from 1982 to 2011.
— American Academy of Dermatology 2017

Skin Cancer Destroys Lives

The number of people being diagnosed with melanomas and skin cancers in recent years has increased dramatically. Skin cancer is now the most common form of cancer in some countries. But if identified early enough, it is also one of the most treatable.
Medical and nursing professionals, health boards, community groups and charities all offer advice to reduce the incidence of cancer. Their campaigns focus on stopping smoking, maintaining a healthy body weight and taking regular exercise. These lifestyle changes are a good start. To reduce the chance of you developing skin cancers, you also need to prevent the sun damaging your skin. Burns to the dermis and epidermis can lead to cell changes and melanoma. Melanomas are life-changing and can be terminal. The following video shows how skin cancer could affect you.

Consult Your Doctor

This article is for general information only. For health advice you should consult a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.

Protect Your Skin From Sunburn

To reduce the risk of getting skin cancer or melanoma you should avoid getting burnt by the sun.
  1. If your skin is exposed to the sun, protect it using a proprietary sunscreen.
  2. Keep out of the midday heat when the sun’s rays are strongest.
  3. Cover up against the sun with long sleeves, long pants and wide-brimmed floppy hats.
Sunscreen creams provide protection against UVA and UVB rays. You should check the SPF and star ratings on a product to see how much protection it gives.
SPF (Sun Protection Factor) ratings relate to Ultra-Violet B rays (UVB). These are short rays that penetrate the upper layers of the skin and cause burning. The SPF number indicates how long you can remain in the sun if your skin is covered with that sunscreen. For example, your unprotected skin may start to burn after 10 minutes in the sun. Wearing an SPF15 cream would increase your “start to burn” time to 150 minutes (10 x 15). The higher the SP number, the longer you could stay in the sun before your skin is affected by UVB rays.
Star ratings (1 to 5 stars) are a relatively new scoring system and do not yet appear on all sun creams. They indicate the level of protection against Ultra-Violet A rays (UVA). UVA penetrates to the deeper layers of your skin. They cause less visible, but more serious long-term damage than UVB rays. The higher the star rating the better and most experts recommend a minimum of 4 stars.

Simple Steps to Protect Against Sunburn


Do you wear sunscreen whenever you go outside in the sun?

See results

Understanding SPF Protection Factors

Protection Rating
Amount of Harmful Rays Blocked
Blocks 93% of UVB
Blocks 97% of UVB
Blocks 98% of UVB

Not All Sunscreens Are Equal

Research (2017) by Consumer Reports shows that not all sun creams give the protection claimed on the bottle. Their key finding is that you do not have to buy an expensive brand to get a good sun shield. Their top 3 recommendations are Equate Sports Lotion SPF50, Pure Sun (Disney’s Frozen) Defense Lotion SP50 and Trader Joe’s Spray Sunscreen SP50.
They also recommend NO-AD Sport Active Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 50 which I particularly like as it is fragrance free. These are all broad-spectrum sun creams which means they protect against both UVA and UVB rays. A summary of the results of their study is given in the video below.

How to Use Sunscreen Effectively

  • Apply at least 15 to 30 minutes before you go into the sun.
  • Reapply every two hours.
  • Reapply after swimming, washing or toweling down skin.
  • Use enough sun cream! Apply at least one teaspoonful to each arm, leg, bums, tums, in fact each part of your body needs at least a teaspoonful.
  • Ask a friend or family member to apply sunscreen to areas you cannot reach.

Reapply Sunscreen After Swimming in the Sea


Why Are Skin Cancer Rates Increasing?

No-one really knows why skin cancer and melanoma rates are increasing. It may be that people living longer have more time to develop the disease. It could be we spend more time in the sun than our forebears did so increasing our risk. There may be genetic factors involved. Or there could be lifestyle changes brought about by increased affluence that have heightened our susceptibility. There might also be environmental factors linked to climate change such as a decrease in sun protection provided by the ozone layer. There are many theories but no certainties.
Skin cancer and melanoma can be disfiguring and are sometimes fatal. It only takes a few moments to apply sunscreen or cover up against the sun and it could save your life. If you notice any of the following ABCDE changes to any moles or freckles on your body (see table below) you should visit your doctor for advice as soon as possible.

The ABCDE Guide to Signs of Melanoma

A is for Asymmetry
One half of a mole or birthmark does not match the other.
B is for Border
The edges are irregular, ragged, notched, or blurred.
C is for Color
The color is not the same all over and may include different shades of brown or black, or sometimes with patches of pink, red, white, or blue.
D is for Diameter
The spot is larger than 6 millimeters across (about ¼ inch – the size of a pencil eraser), although melanomas can sometimes be smaller than this.
E is for Evolving
The mole is changing in size, shape, or color.
Information from the American Cancer Society.
Melanoma is more than 20 times more common in whites than in African Americans. Overall, the lifetime risk of getting melanoma is about 2.5% (1 in 40) for whites, 0.1% (1 in 1,000) for blacks, and 0.5% (1 in 200) for Hispanics.
— American Cancer Society

Further Information

The following organizations’ websites have up-to-date statistics and advice relating to skin cancer.
American Cancer Society
American Academy of Dermatology
Cancer Research UK
Tenovus Cancer Care

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring

Trying to decide whether you need home blood pressure monitoring? Not only can a home blood pressure monitor help you get more accurate blood pressure readings, it can also help you manage existing hypertension. Monitoring pressure at home, instead of waiting for doctor appointments, gives you better control over your hypertension and general health.
Home blood pressure monitoring can be useful and necessary for:
  • Pregnant women
  • Older adults
  • Patients who have anxiety at the doctor's office (a condition called white-coat hypertension)
  • People with high blood pressure who show normal readings only at checkups
  • Newly diagnosed hypertensive patients
  • People with health conditions like kidney disease, diabetes, or heart disease who need frequent testing
Check with your doctor before you buy a home blood pressure monitoring system just to make sure you are a proper candidate for home blood pressure monitoring.
Types of Home Blood Pressure Monitors
Home blood pressure monitoring systems include a blood pressure cuff, a gauge, and either a digital monitor or an aneroid one (the kind with the round dial that the doctor probably uses during your exam).
The digital monitor automatically shows your blood pressure levels on a screen. These devices are easy to use and read, making them a popular choice. But battery-operated digital monitors can be pricey and are very sensitive to movement and abnormal heart rate.
Aneroid monitors are portable and affordable. This type of home blood pressure monitor is often an all-in-one system, with a built-in stethoscope inside the arm cuff. However, aneroid monitors can be difficult to read and may become less accurate over time.

have you monitored blood pressure at home?

See results
Tips for Accurate Home Readings
If your doctor recommends that you purchase a home blood pressure monitor, choose one that meets your needs. Then, make sure you're using it correctly by following these guidelines:
  • Have your doctor or a nurse inspect the machine to make sure it's calibrated correctly, and show you how to use it properly.
  • Make sure you know how to read and record the results.
  • Ensure that the blood pressure cuff fits.
  • Carefully follow the instructions that come with your home blood pressure monitor.
  • Relax for a few minutes before measuring your blood pressure and make sure you've used the restroom first (a full bladder can affect results).
  • Avoid tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol for at least 30 minutes before testing.
  • Sit comfortably with your arm propped up on a table.
Home blood pressure monitoring can be very useful for people struggling to diagnose or manage high blood pressure. Just make sure that you're getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to choosing and using your home blood pressure monitor. Remember to bring your home blood pressure monitoring device with you to your next doctor visit and have its reading compared to the one your doctor takes with his medical equipment — this will confirm that you are getting the most accurate readings possible.

Checking blood pressure levels at home can help people at risk of developing hypertension get accurate readings in a comfortable environment.

Monitoring pressure at home, instead of waiting for doctor appointments, gives you better control over your hypertension and general health.